Jette our Ally

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Vil du være med til at gøre en forskel i kampen mod racisme? Så hvorfor ikke blive frivillig for SOS Racisme? Som frivillig har du mulighed for at hjælpe med vores arrangementer og andre spændende projekter, der er med til at skabe en mere inkluderende og mangfoldig Danmark. Vi søger altid efter engagerede personer, der ønsker at gøre en forskel og støtte vores mission om at bekæmpe racisme og diskrimination i samfundet
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Bwalya Sørensen

In July 2016, USA BLM activists asked me to start a chapter in Denmark. I felt inadequate and incapable. My hands full with Venligboerne Vridsløselille-Ellebæk.

In September, we brought out news from behind the thick Vridsløselille walls, of a horrendous deportation of an Afghan detainee, and it shocked Denmark. I accepted BLMs invitation. Even though I did not feel any more adequate.

Allies across Nørrebro stood up and stepped up. Specifically, I remember long enriching conversations and long cups of tea in what is now Union with…

Jette Our ally. Jette My ally.

I watched Jette very closely. Sucking in knowledge, wisdom and experience. Jette had been in Zambia working for 3 years. That cemented familiarity and trust.

Jette our ally – Jette My ally.

Activists approved by Jette were quality approved and have been massively useful. Mostly SOS Racisme Niels Erik Hansen, BLM-dk’s unwavering deportation-prison-go-to lawyer.

Jette my ally. Jette our ally.

Leadership is lonely and can be burdensome but when I logged on at 7 am, Jette was there. Never further than a messenger away was Jette with a prompt regular reply. As my confidence and experience grew, it went both ways.

Jette my ally. Jette our ally.

When I was attacked in one of the most vicious media attacks seen in Denmark. When Paludan stood outside my door and on Blågårds plads. Jette was there. Shoulder to shoulder. Side by side. Hitting the ball out of the park on Radio4 for example.

Jette my ally. Jette my rock.

Each ally country praised and celebrated the victory, with focus on their own. OUR resistance. How WE saved our Jews. The narrative is seldom about allies. The price of allyship is often working in the background. Yet showing up. Everyday. We do have to acknowledge.

In every single step in the antiracism battle the effort had to be from both sides. For Martin Luther King’s achievements there HAD to be a Kennedy. For the underground railroad to function there had to be ally stations. For Ida B Wells lynching program to succeed there was to be an ally uproar. For Apartheid to be defeated there had to be allied sanctions. On the Danish antiracist frontline

For Bwalya to be the activist I am today and for BLM-DK to be in Denmark. There had to be a Jette and allies like Jette. So please stand up. Raise your glass and assist me. And to pay my respect and to honor. Recognize, acknowledge and appreciate your work. Jette our ally. Jette our rock.